Strawberry The Superfruit

I bought some fresh strawberries the other day after I read this article about all their health benefits. The main benefits are that strawberries are full of antioxidants and other essential nutrients that boost our blood cells. The strawberry can also help to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, inflammatory diseases, birth deficits, and help us to manage our weight with it’s low calorie count (1 cup of strawberries only contains 43 calories!) just to mention a few. If you click on the “article” in the beginning of the blog post you can get to the source and read more detailed about these benefits.

So if you go to the grocery store to find some healthy super-fruit to boost your body with, you don’t have to buy all those “newly discovered” super-foods like mulberries, acai, spirulina, maca powder, carob, and so on. Many foods from our natural diet (for example blueberries and broccoli) are actually just as good and most of the time also cheaper!


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