Fitnessbutiken Surprise 

As many of you readers know I have a addiction of buying new workout clothes, especially tights. Can never get too many tights! And there is so many different brands and styles out there so every time I’m buying a new pair (the best motivation boost with new workout gear!?) I usually end up buying…

Good Balance + Apple Watch Giveaway

Have you seen that you can get 20% off any black energy bracelet right now at! If you’re interested in any other color you can still get 10% off if you use the code “sofiahager” at the check out.  Also, on their Instagram you can join the giveaway of an Apple Watch! Don’t wait…

Asian Chicken & Egg Wok (+ new tights!)

Fast food does not have to be unhealthy. Today I did not want to spend too much time in the kitchen so I decided to cook together a quick lunch. It ended up being an Asian wok with chicken, cabbage, tomatoes, red pepper, ginger, eggs, and basil. Asian Chicken & Egg Wok (1 person) 1…

Take the chance!

Don’t forget to use my promo codes while you can! First, you can use the code “sofiahager” if you want a Good Balance energy bracelet to get 10 % off. They have recently got in new models and they are all very fashionable. I use my Black Active energy bracelet every day together with one…

Biceps/Triceps + Good Balance!

Had a great biceps/triceps session! How amazing is the feeling when the weights you usually struggle with suddenly feels easy to lift!!? Guess someone is gaining some muscle mass here! Today’s workout looked like this: DB alternating Hammer curls super set with DB Tricep kickbacks DB alternating Biceps curls superset with DB Overhead press Cable…

Favorite Workout Tights?

I have decided to renew my workout wardrobe when I move back to Sweden, which is coming closer so I have been looking around at different workout tights. Tights are really my weakness, there are so many different brands and styles and I can probably find 1000 I want to buy right away. Therefore I’m…


Thank you for everyone who voted and thanks to Bellifit who held the Nike Free ID competition! I won my own designed Nike Free ID and I’m so excited to use them this spring/summer! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram where I update more often: @sofiahager

I need your vote! 💗

I made it to the final three in the competition to win my own Nike Free ID.  Now I need your help to vote for my style: Nummer 1 at Bellifit (<- click to get to her blog) Just comment the blog post with a 1 to vote for my design. It would mean a lot to…

The Winner

The winner in my Good Balance giveaway on Instagram is @Jennieferkarlsson! Thanks to everyone who joined and keep your eyes open for more competitions & giveaways soon!  Don’t forget that you can still get 10% off any energybracelet from their website with the promo code “sofiahager”! Take the chance and improve your daily life too!…

Blue Good Balance

Love my new blue energy bracelet from Good Balance! Tried to match it with the new blue nail polish I got from my boyfriend! Don’t forget to enter the competition on MY INSTAGRAM to win any good balance bracelet yourself! You have to scroll down a few pictures if you go to my instagram to…